Kathleen Mulhern, Ph.D.
author, scholar, editor, professor
Dry Bones, at Patheos
These are just some comments and thoughts on being a Christian in the 21st century.
I echo the prophet Ezekiel’s humble response to God’s question: “Can these dry bones live?”
“You alone know, O Lord.”
Life is God’s business.
Meanwhile, I stand in the valley and look around.
Highlighted Series
[Sometimes I get a little obsessed with stuff. When I get obsessed, I can gnaw on something for a long time. When I gnaw on something for a long time, I write many posts about it. When I write many posts about something, people get lost. When people get lost, they need a map. These are maps.]
ENGLISH SPIRITUALITY: The Homely Way (Reflections on Martin Thornton’s English Spirituality)
Become an Olympian, Become an Ascetic
What Do Gridirons, Social Justice, and Faith Have to Do With One Another?
Elven Bread, English Asceticism, and the Homely Factor
The Art of Co-operating with Grace
Jesus as an Anglican?: Articles of Religion, the Three Ways, and Scripture
Augustine in English Spirituality: Kindled by Grace
A Spirit of Tranquility: Benedict
Life in the Spirit: A Personal Search for a 21st-century Filling of the Holy Spirit
Trinitarian Spirituality: Reflections on Retrieving Nicaea: The Development and Meaning of Trinitarian Doctrine, by Khaled Anatolios
An Introduction
The First Question Must Be Why?
Modern Approach #1
Modern Approach #2
A Third Modern Approach
Mystagogy, Event Horizons, and the Nicene Creed
Two Starting Principles
Before Nicaea
What Makes a Heretic?
Cast of Characters, Better than a Russian Novel
Suspicions and Semantics
Riding the Rapids, or the Stream of Orthodox Christianity
Creation Spirituality, Human Souls, and the Need for Systems
How Close Is Jesus to the Heart of God?
Putting Jesus on the “Outside” of God
God from the Inside Out
On the Incarnation: A New Kind of Christmas Story
Believing in the Right Direction
An Ephesian Interlude
Gregory’s Key to Bible Study
The Trinity Is the Gospel
Christodrama and the Human Journey
A Christ Sighting
A Julian Diversion
Source Code
True Love
The End?
What Difference Does It Make? The Kaleidoscope Effect
Neo-Pascalian Spirituality
Becoming a Neo-Pascalian
An Introduction: From Cones to Gambling
A Personality Quirk?
The Back Story
The Augustinian Problem
Poised Between Two Worlds
(Pascal, Ash Wednesday, and the Hidden God)
An Indiana Jones Kind of Faith
The Third Order
From Gambling Table to Altar
The First Step of Make-Believe Faith
The Second Step Toward a Make-Believe Faith
Diminishing Your Passions, or Increasing Your Hunger
Setting Our Hearts
Praying Like Elijah